Specifically i purchased a pair of their overpriced shoes with the explicit understanding that I could try them around the house and if unworn could be returned and
my money returned. Realized they were just too small I went back a few days later only to have the officious salesgirl tell me the soles were not that of a new shoe
and not salable, hence not returnable. I protested, the manager agreed with the underling. and corporate eventually said they would do nothing....Now, these shoes
looked as new and unworn as any in their store - imbeciles - literally they had been worn on carpet for about 1/2 hour, and the stores comments were rude, ignorant,
absurd, unfounded, and just plain wrong.
'To check myself I showed them to my sales person across the street at Neiman Marcus who could not believe that a high-end store could act in such a ridiculous
manner, and treat a customer with callous disregard for repeat business.
Hence, we will never buy their overpriced, meretricious junk again - i never really liked, nor purchased, the stuff with their ridiculous initials all over - and
made out of plastic at that! Masterful marketing to convince people that they should pay outrageous prices to carry this stuff around, and look ridiculous at the
same time! When a bus load of Asian tourists alights at this place it looks like a feeding frenzy of locusts at a cornfield.
We all need to get out from under the ether and avoid these merchants that think they are doing US a favor by letting us enter their hallowed grounds and purchase
from them. Why should i waste my time listening to the insults from clerks who probably live in a studio apartment...with a roommate...and act as though they own the
company or have a substantial stake in guarding it from wayward customers that have the nerve to return a product to the maker (small 'm')?
i hate to be a walking advert but for LV, i'd do almost anything to be an LV spokesperson.
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